Yendarra Primary

"Administration & Library"

Houston Architects are privileged to have been retained as their architect for over 15 years.

In that time we’ve completed a significant number of projects for the school including a new standalone administration and staffroom block. Remodeling the old staffroom to expand and become a new library. Deleting some classroom relocatable classrooms and remodeling remaining blocks to ILE requirements giving opening glass sliding doors between classrooms, and new sliding doors onto generously covered verandas. A significant new Fale 20mx20m hall with new toilets, kitchen, and large sliding doors opening up on to a deck leading to the playing fields.

Our work in the education sector brings contemporary character and beauty to school environments. At the opening of a new administration block for Elm Park Primary School, the Prime Minister commented on our ‘cutting edge design’. The projects we work on for schools also demonstrate our practicality, because spaces are both efficient and versatile.